Thursday, August 18, 2011

Big Test anxiety, how can I keep calm while studying?

I have a major test anxiety. My midterm is a week away and try to study on the weekend. But I keep panicking and try to rush the information in my head. I keep panicking especially right now. I already fail the first test due to my anxiety and now I can't fail anymore. Just great. How can I stay calm and get information efficiency? Especially for calculus 2 and calculus-based physics?

When and where does the Queen fart ?

The Rococo plasterwork in the royal bedchamber has been specially constructed, and is scrupulously maintained as a boom room, as it were, for HRH. Small shards still fall, but the problem is now well under control with the advancement of plastic epoxies and a fine gauze type netting.

Which names do you like the best?

Zoe and Bella for girls, and James for a boy. If you call him Elliot, he will be subjected to Billy Elliot and 'idiot' jokes.

Bad grades in high school?

i am planning on going into DEP for the air force. i told my recruiter that i used to take meds for ADD about two years ago. he now wants to see my transcripts from high school. i am currently a senior and my grades have been absolutely horrible these past 4 years. what should i do? should i just go to another recruiter and not tell him about the ADD and the meds i took? HELP!

Job interviewer was supposed to call me back friday, now its sunday? My anticipation is killing me help!?

I had two interviews over the phone, the first went horribly but they called me back for a second one on conference call with the two hiring managers. I thought it went a lot better, they seemed nice and I thought I did a decent job, they said they would call me back by the end of the week, or Monday at the latest. K They didnt call friday and its now Sunday, and I'm dreading them leaving a voicemail tomorrow saying I didn't make the cut. I feel really horrible inside, I feel so worried and scared... I'm 25 and it was an in-job transfer to a different position and I don't know how to cope with my anxiety so someone please help me. If they didnt call back Friday, does that mean I didn't get it? Why wouldn't they just tell me that sooner and put me out of my misery? X-(.....

What're Your Favorite Movies...And...?

White Chicks BECAUSE: Its Just Plain Funny And The Wayne Bros Did Awesome At Playing The Twin Fashion Models

Whats happing to me ? i'm hurting my self?

Oh my Zeus, that must be terrible. I'm kind of in a similar situation; I have dermatillomania which is basically compulsive scab picking and I have an obsession with breaking off any damaged ends of my hair and pulling out any that don't look "right." It used to be TERRIBLE, I would be pulling at my hair all the time, ALL THE TIME, but Zoloft has really done wonders for that. The skin picking's still a problem though :/ Okay, here's what you need to do: tell someone you trust who is in a position to help you or to get you help. You need a psychologist or mental health social worker, and a psychiatrist to order meds for you. I know you don't want to be on medication at thirteen years old, but trust me, it will make a big difference once you get the on right one or ones. I would suggest putting band-aids over the places you pick at most often, and wearing long sleeves, because you're less likely to pick if getting at your wounds is a hle. I know how hard it is to stop, but I think that if you do the right things and make enough of an effort, you can at least reduce it a lot. As for telling your mom, just sit down and talk with her about it. It's a scary thing, telling someone you have this kind of problem and you can't control it on your own, but in the end, it'll be worth it. I wish you the best of luck! <3